Disasters and tragedies can happen anywhere at any time. It may either be a call of nature or an accident that you never wish to happen. In such times, it is essential that you are not only prepared but also have the gear you may need in your Bug Out Bag. A Bug Out Bag Checklist is a must to get you prepared. To a great extent, you would never want to see anyone suffering or, worse, dying because you were not ready. For that reason, having a bug-out bag cannot only help you save yourself but others as well.
Find out how to prepare and have your bug-out bag checklist ready before an emergency strikes. In this article, we’ll cover all the essential bug-out bag items that you might need to survive in an emergency. See more details of it below.
What is a Bug Out Bag?
In general terms, bug-out bags are also known as BOB, survival kits, or go bags. It is a bag filled with survival stocks like water, food, medications, and gear kept ready for use whenever emergencies happen. Its primary purpose is to allow an individual to evacuate quickly and remove you from any forthcoming danger around the area.
Why is it important to have a Bug Out Bag?
Bug-out bags can help you survive in the event of disasters. Without proper preparation, you might see yourself and your family hanging through the edges of life. Consider that it is always important to become prepared, as you will never know when a disaster strikes. The present time will always be the best moment to get your bug-out bag packed with essentials needed to survive.
Getting ready with a complete and survival-ready go-bag should always be the priority on every survival checklist. At one point, it may be a hassle to gather all the stuff that you need; thus, having a bug-out bag checklist will keep you safe from overlooking the necessary things.
The Bug Out Bag Checklist
To get a higher chance of survival after evacuating, here’s our checklist of the essentials that will help you accomplish your long-term survival techniques. We’ll briefly discuss each of these and give you a tip on choosing the best item for you. See more details about it below.
If you are looking for Bug Out Bags to Purchase you can find them at Online Outdoor Outlet

- Clothing and Blankets
- Extra Shirt, Pants, Underwear, Socks, Coats, Jackets & Gloves, Medium Sized Fleece Blanket, Emergency Blanket
- First Aid Kit
- Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tapes, Elastic Bandage, Swabs , Cotton Balls, Eye pads, Tweezers, Painkillers, Medical Gloves, Medical Instrument, Antibiotic Medicines, Wipes, Sling, Ointment
- Survival Tools
- Fire Starter, Knife, Multitool, Tape, Flashlights, Crowbar, Folding Saw, Headlamp, Compass, Charger
- Survival Foods
- Dry Pasta, Trail Mix, Dried Beans, Energy Bars, Canned Goods
- Cookwares for Survival
- Backpacking Cookwares, Jet Boil
- Water Sanitation Options
- Water Filters, Water Purifiers, Water Bottles, Water Solutions
First Aid Kit
A well-supplied first aid kit will help you overcome any injuries and support you in moving to a safe area when the time is crucial. When placing a first aid kit on your bug-out bag, you can always consider two options for getting things done. First, you can buy a premade first aid kit from any physical store or online, or you can purchase each item individually for a custom kit.
Both of these options will either work out and have their advantages and disadvantages. Take note that it will always be your own choice in the end. However, some people would consider having the premade kits instead to ensure they didn’t miss anything valuable. So, whether you are planning to have a premade or custom first aid kit, here are the following product that you can consider buying:
Survival Tools
Another set of items that you will need for your bug-out bag are survival tools. Each of these tools will help you keep all other items on your bag efficient. Also, utilizing these gears can help you weigh out, save space and put more essential tools in your bug-out bag. A great tip to follow is to purchase something multifunctional and versatile for best and long-term use.
Such equipment includes a survival knife, multitool, whistle, hatchet, duct tape, bandana, and plastic bags. To get the best tools that you can use for your bug out bag, here’s the product that you use:
Survival Foods
If you have all the tools to help you survive, never forget something that can keep you energized. Food is considered one of the necessities of humankind. In other words, you must include your survival foods in your bug-out bag checklist. Although there’s always this dilemma of bringing all your favorite foods, some treats can help you survive for days.
Remember never to give in to your cravings and choose what you only need when you start packing foods! Get those foods that you can easily digest and that can help you get full for days. Here are the best survival foods that you can consider:

Cookwares For Survival
Cookwares are also essential to include in your bug-out bag checklist. At times, you have to think ahead of what can happen in the future. That means that you can either stay shorter or longer in the evacuation area, so you will need some cookware to cook your food and survive. Essentially, what most people bring is backpacking cookware, as they are all manageable to use.
However, bear in mind that not all cookware is the same. For example, darker pots tend to be the most fuel-efficient. In contrast, a pot with a wider diameter is more efficient to use. Some points like this will help you decide whether you want to go for cookware that can last for years or something that can help you cater for a short period.
Fire Starters
Firestarters are intended to start fires by giving out an intense flame that can catch on nearby kindling. Such a tool has to burn long enough to get the fire established. On the other hand, it would always be best to choose fire starter equipment that has a long burn time, is nearly odorless, and is safe to use with the environment. For more thoughts about fire starters, see all these suggested products that might suit to get in your bug out bag checklist:

Water Sanitation Options
Next to food, water is the primary necessity that you must have on your bug-out bag checklist. However, supposing you ran out of supplies, you can only survive by drinking the water that is available in the area. Now, here is where the water sanitation tool enters. With this equipment, you can guarantee that you are drinking safely and free from all the bacteria present in every water you take.
There are some water sanitation options that you can choose from. Among these are the filters, purifiers, and water bottles to help you disinfect the water. Look more to this product for more hints:

The Bottom Line
Having a bug-out bag will help you survive and allow you to help other people. With a bug-out bag checklist, you can ensure that you will never miss any important gear you will need if any disaster happens. As you keep all these tools and equipment ready with you, there’s no need to panic whenever a tragedy strikes. In the end, it’s always better to be prepared than not. Hopefully, this guide helped you discover and choose the best way to prepare your Bug Out Bag to kick-start your journey. Please share this post with your friends and family before you leave us. As they say, the more, the merrier! Happy Surviving!
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