Hiking was at an all-time high last year. There were more hikers exploring the wilderness than ever before! This brought a lot of novice and under-experienced people to the woods and a massive spike in hiking backpack sales. As some of you may have noticed there was a bit of a shortage in selection for outdoor gear and you may not have been able to get the backpack you truly wanted. Don’t worry with the new year there are new opportunities to find the outdoor gear you need. Here is our Outdoor Gear Guide for the Best Hiking Backpack for 2021.
1. Osprey Stratos 24 Hiking Backpack

This is our number one for all-around hiking activities. It offers an internal hydration sleeve that accommodates up to a 3L reservoir and a ventilated back panel with an adjustable shoulder harness to dial in the perfect fit. The stretch mesh pockets on both sides of the pack provide convenient storage for bottles and smaller items. With two zippered hip belt pockets and stow-On-The-Go Trekking pole attachment, you can quickly attach and carry trekking poles while wearing the pack.
2. TETON Sports Backpack

The best hiking backpack for everyday adventure. It features an internal frame for hiking, backpacking, camping, and travel. Pack all your backpacking gear in and on this pack. The extra padded split waistband, hip, and torso adjustments offer a perfect customizable fit. It includes a strong shell for the most rugged hiking and camping adventures. There are multiple compression straps, strong buckles, and storm proof zippers.
TETON Sports Backpack’s lightweight frame for stability helps you feel less of the load. The padded lumbar region sits comfortably on your back and is designed for pros at a price that is friendly to beginners.
3. The North Face Terra 40

The go-to hiking pack for experienced backpackers, the Terra features an easy-to-use OPTIFIT suspension system and durable materials that will make you the envy of all trail-goers. A floating lid stores a sleeping bag or tent. The patent-pending Dyno Lift System is self-equalizing with on-the-fly, adjustable load lifters. This pack is designed to help you carry what you need without adding extra weight.
Designed to help you carry a heavy load, this 40L backpack features a women’s specific fit on the shoulder straps and breathable mesh for comfortable outdoor travel. A supportive and comfortable molded hip belt offers extra support.
4. Osprey Kyte 36 Hiking Backpack

The Osprey Kyte 36 Hiking Backpack offers a breathable AirScape ridged foam back panel with adjustable torso length. With an integrated removable rain cover, zippered sleeping bag compartment with floating divider, and integrated removable rain cover. The front panel hybrid shove-it pocket offers stow-on-the-go trekking pole attachment with zippered hip belt pockets and dual stretch mesh side pockets.
5. The North Face Terra Backpacking Backpack

This bulk-free technical pack is made lighter for all-day comfort on the move. A bigger front stash pocket allows for more-efficient storage when you’re packing for overnight camping. The floating lid stores a sleeping bag or tent. The patent-pending Dyno Lift System is self-equalizing with on-the-fly, adjustable load lifters. This pack is designed to help you carry what you need without adding extra weight.
Designed to help you carry a heavy load, this backpacking backpack features an ultra-comfortable, cushioned back panel and breathable mesh for outdoor travel. A supportive and comfortable molded hip belt offers extra support. A full J-zip opening allows for quick access to the pack’s contents. Separated compartments help you organize your essentials when you’re on the go. Hydration compatible so you can stay fueled on your trip.
6. CamelBak M.U.L.E. LR 15 100oz Hydration Backpack

This is the go-to for all hikers and bikers in need of hydration over gear packing. All the features of your favorite M.U.L.E.. pack with a lumbar design that shifts your load for increased stability. The 3-Liter CRUX LR Reservoir with integrated compression keeps your fluids low and tight for better balance and increased pack stability.
7. TETON Sports Ultralight Backpacks

The Hiker 3700 is an all-purpose, ultralight pack with enough room for all the gear you need for an extended outdoor adventure. It’s just right for all kinds of travel. It Adjusts in the torso, waist, shoulders, and chest. Padded back and lumbar are contoured with channels to provide maximum comfort and airflow. It’s perfect for men and women.
8. Osprey Stratos 34 Hiking Backpack

The Osprey Stratos 34 Hiking Backpack features adjustable torso lengths for improved fit and comfort with updated aesthetics. It is the go-to choice for everything from short day hikes to lightweight overnights in the back-country no matter how far, or near. When the weather turns, fear not – the Stratos keeps your gear and pack protected with an integrated rain cover, and Smartly organized pocketing keeps all your equipment where you need it, when you need it.
9. ClevrPlus Urban Explorer Child Carrier Hiking Baby Backpack

The Clevr Urban Explorer Child backpack carrier is the perfect blend of style and functionality. The Urban Explorer comes equipped with a sturdy but feather-light aluminum frame, a sun hood with removable wind and rain cover, durable and stylish fabric, a padded change mat, a stylish removable backpack, and a hydration pack compartment.
The child carrier features an easy adjustment system to provide a comfortable fit for you and your child. Metal stands allow it to sit upright on a flat surface and can be quickly folded in when on the go. Folds flat for easy storage and portability. Ideal for children up to 48 Months.
10. Osprey Poco Child Carrier

The Osprey Poco Child Carrier is a must for the new family hikers. It features a built-in sunshade that easily stores and deploys for UPF 50+ UV sun protection. The deluxe child cockpit with Double Halo child harness and adjustable and removable foot stirrups; Drool pad is removable and washable. It offers an Adjustable torso to fit a wide range of adults. The open mesh hip belt pockets for quick access to snacks
Minimum child weight is 16 lbs for use and maximum weight including a child, gear and carriers are 48.5 lbs
Hope you enjoyed our Gear Guide for the Best Hiking Backpacks. All of our weakly gear guides are based on total sales, reviews, and real-life experience. Did we miss your favorite Hiking Backpacks in this week’s edition?
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